Loan Comparison Calculator
Loan Comparison Calculator
Loan Option 1
Loan Option 2
Loan Option 3
Best Deal Per Year
Summary Comparison
Pay Your House Off Early
How Long Will You Be In Your House?
9-Year Projected Cost Line Chart
This graph projects the cumulative mortgage costs over a 9-year period, combining your initial cash to close with your monthly payments.
9-Year Time And Cost Snapshot
This chart provides a snapshot of your total mortgage cost at key intervals over a 9-year period.
9-Year Time And Saving Snapshot
This chart highlights the potential savings by comparing the overall costs of the loan options.
Amortization Favorability
When will at least 25% of your payment go toward principal? Early on, most of your payment covers interest, with little going to principal. Over time, this shifts. This chart shows when at least 25% of your payment starts going toward principal, helping you build equity faster.