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The most innovative loan ever
The most innovative loan ever
As you’re about to learn, the All In One is one of the most innovative loan products ever developed. Because it sounds new, for some people it may even sound a little too good to be true. But it’s not new, nor is it too good to be true. Similar programs have been in use for years around the world in countries like Australia, New Zealand and throughout Western Europe. Even lenders here in America provide business accounts with many of the same characteristics known as Universal Accounts and ZBAs. But on the residential side, it seems lenders have been a little bit slower to adopt change.
What consumers should understand is that the 30-year fixed and the 15-year fixed have been around since the ’30s. They have to ask themselves, “What hasn’t been improved upon since the ’30s? Why isn’t there a better mortgage option out there?”
It might surprise you to learn that most of the mortgages sold today were developed during the Great Depression era. It’s a little hard to imagine that something so critically important as a mortgage is virtually the same as it was prior to World War II. While they may be suitable for many borrowers still, the point is they’re not necessarily suitable for all.
But in 2005 CMG financial set out to break that mold. When President and Founder, Christopher George pioneered the nation’s first fully transactional residential All In One home loan. Since its release, it’s provided thousands of borrowers help in areas traditional mortgages were never intended to provide. I think you would agree, it’s about time our industry innovates. 719 lending has been offering the all-in-one product since the first day we open the doors. We believe this was the most revolutionary and financially wise loan a client can do. As Mark Cussen mentioned in his Investopedia article, it may not be the best loan for everybody but it is certainly a great option for many
There is a better option. The All In One loan is a better option for consumers that are simply looking to eliminate a large portion of the interest cost. As you can see, the all-in-one, principal first loan or AIO could be the best loan option available in Colorado Springs. Give us a call today to let us know how we can help at 844-719-5363
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